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Saturday, December 1, 2012

December blog theme - Shopping vicariously through you

Because my little brother and I have birthdays and a major gifty holiday in the same month, when we were kids we would abstain from buying ourselves any gift-worthy items in the months of November and December.
This tradition fueled Wish-List creation and enabled my brother and I (and other interested parties) non-duplicate gift giving opportunities.

Since becoming unemployed, I have been pleasantly surprised to find it's been relatively easy to step back into the more frugal shopping habits of earlier years of my life (when making the rent was relatively easy, but having funds to buy food could sometimes be a challenge).
Thusly, I have been abstaining from gratuitous yarny or "Ohh-shiny" shopping. (Abstaining from all the nifty new yarn colorways may be the biggest challenge. I was sorely tempted with some rainbow/black lace-weight at Kiwi today. {sigh})

Since I'm abstaining from shopping, I thought I might shop vicariously through you-all!

I plan to continue with the mini-blogging in December to present favored vendors or with-purpose shopping opportunities. (A la PomPom's "Big Plug" blog posts from earlier this year.)
Such attention as might be gained from my (so-not-famous) blog, might help my favored vendors, charities, or folks in need.
(Hey, it could happen).

So - to kick off the December Shop options, let's revisit this blog post:
"November 11th Thanks/Auction-Knitterati Support!"

I was thankful for the generous knitting/crafting community that was stepping up to help "Rebuild Judith's Studio" after a fire in late October.  I donated some yarn to the Rebuild Judith's Studio Auction.
I am pleased to report the Prism Yarn I put up for auction raised $75.00 to help Judith MacKenzie! {Woot!}

Here's your 1st vicarious December shopping option:

There will be multiple auction rounds because the auction site being used limits the number of items that can be posted at one time.
The third round of auction items went live today.  
You could do some Holiday shopping (for others or even yourself!!) and also help Rebuild Judith's Studio.

There is also an excellent de-clutter opportunity to find a good home for that extra Spinning Wheel, microwave, loom reed, or unused coat rack in your home.
Perhaps you could fulfill an item on the "Wish List" on the Rebuild web-site.

I hope you find some of the December Shopping Options I'll be posting fun, useful and worth sharing. If you'd like to suggest an idea/charity/web-site/store to include in the December blog posts, please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me.

Thanks for reading. Blessings be.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being here. Blessings back to you. And whoever innocent bystanders are floating nearby...
