The attendance at the Tucson WWKIP Day was a bit light.
Borders Cafe in Park Place was one of our two official Tucson WWKIP event sites.
So - I hung out, knitting, in the Borders cafe from about 9:30 to 10:40. I was knitting alone.
Wait - actually there was this nice elderly couple that asked if they could share my table whilst they read the newspaper and enjoyed their coffee. [grin]
I did get up to investigate if the meeting was somewhere else in Borders...knitting all the while.
(Now, knitting as I'm walking about places is normal for me - I kinda do the WWKIP thing all the time.)
No one stopped me, asked about the scarf I was knitting or about the "agree (1)" Ravelry shirt I was wearing, or stopped to talk with me in the craft book section.
(Pause for gleeful acquisition moment...)
Where I found this book...looks like a good read and I really like some of the patterns.
(And there was this Borders coupon burning a hole in my...purse!!)
(Ironic title to the situation, though, huh?)
Borders was suffering from a serious shortage of knitters.
So - I headed over to Grandma's Spinning Wheel (Thank goodness we had another Official WWKIP option!). I got to see the expanded store - quite spiffy! I LOVE the rearrangement and tempting colors and fibers everywhere.
Vicki and Michael were MOST kind and setup a spot for me, the *lone* WWKIP participant, to knit in the front of the store. [read with a tragic and pitiful tone.]
And then....Valerie arrived!! I was NOT alone! She too had spent time at Borders looking for WWKIP knitters to no avail.
We chatted and knitted for a while. Michael of Grandma's Spinning Wheel modeled a unique and fun felted Mohawk hat (note the lovely flowers at the tips of the spikes!). They do all sorts of spiffy felting over at GSW.
We also got treated to some nifty show and tell - I want to learn how to make the ?Moebius Hat? Vicki came up with! I also had to take home an Interweave Hand Woven magazine!!
(Michael took some of the pictures for this blog. I bet you noticed the superior quality and focus. He's been a photographer since he was quite young - my little camera was appreciative of the more experienced handling!)
Guess what!?!
Gordon arrived!
He works a few doors down from GSW and didn't have any appointments until 2 so he came down to KIP! We shifted to the other side of the store, knitted some, and listened to the spinning class (the teacher sang the Niddy Noddy song!).
And then we were four! Sarah came by, also looking for WWKIP activity. She had also abandoned Borders for lack of knitters.
So we 4 intrepid knitters celebrated WWKIP day at Grandma's Spinning Wheel.
Well done, Virginia. Thanks for the exposure for the shop, though I could have done without the exposure of me in the hat!
Oh, but the hat picture was the best one! It suits you to a T, or maybe a W... anyhows, you knitters have the right attitude. I'm wondering if there are other public displays of craft that could fit this model. Dancing, for example, or percussion ensemble