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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Local Events Heads Up - WWKIP Day!

WWKIP = World Wide Knit in Public.

Yeah, yeah, I know {grin}, I knit in public pretty much all the time. 
But not everyone does....and it's fun to gather together to craft, talk, be inspired, and it's also fun to see the look on people's faces or to cause inspiration when there's a whole buncha knitters out doing their thing in a place where folks don't generally see fabric being made with sticks and string.

A World Wide Knit in Public Day Event has been scheduled in Tucson Arizona and will be on Saturday, June 16, 2012, at the Murphy-Wilmot Library!! 10 AM to 4 PM.

This event is being hosted by Amanda Zagloba, one of the talented and charming folks that make our Library more than just a place to look at books. I believe the Tucson Handweaver's and Spinner's Guild will be supporting the event a bit at well.

Drop by any time throughout the day. Knit. Crochet. (Learn to do either!) 
Check out some of the knitterly Library books (they have a pretty spiffy collection, too!).
There will be some snacks and I'm sure more event niftiness will be revealed as we approach the event date. 

Here's the link to the official WWKIP event Website for this event.

And here's the blog links to 2 of the last 3 WWKIP events we've had in Tucson that I attended (seems I didn't take any pictures at the 2010 event at Beyond Bread (tsk!)).
2009 - Borders (kinda) and Grandma's Spinning Wheel
2011 - Murphy-Wilmot Library

Consider joining us for a fun and inspirational day!

If you are not local to Tucson and want to find your own WWKIP event - or to host one - the Home page of the WWKIP website is a very good place to start!

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