Portfolio Pages

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Spring Cleaning...a little early

 You know how you feel when you clean out your closets or drawers? 

Nostalgic? {I remember when...}
Embarrassed? {Now, why did I buy that?}
Waffling on the keep or donate decision? Or the telling sound when you stretch a waistband to hear the elastic crinkle and expand never to shrink back again?
Satisfaction - as you view the closet with more space and the empty vehicle after you drop off the donations? 

I spent some time today cleaning up the blog links. {Yep, something I can do whilst sitting. My legs are less wobbly today but...}
A few things have been pulled off. Some are still under review (particularly blog and podcast links) but not a lot of radical changes. 
(Wow...and we're down to 2 yarn stores in Tucson. Am I missing any?)

I'm not planning on changing the background...I'm so in love with the rich, blue, fiber-y yumminess! But yeah, it was time do tidy up the blog and do a review. 

Some links are still on because they are still spiffy but not much has been posted to them recently...not unlike my blog. (OK, I think my blog is spiffy...at least occasionally)

Some are delightful "rabbit holes" that I tried very hard not to go down.
{Yes, Knitty.com, that would be YOU!!   Have you-all seen the current edition!?!?!}

Especially during our year of COVID, when checking on some the un-updated blogs I have to wonder if folks are OK. Have they just wandered away from blogging? Are they recovering? Were they taken from us like Cat Bordhi? {Lovely brilliant woman, there. She had so many gifts and shared so much with us.} Are they just distracted by life and not currently investing time in pulling thoughts together or getting pictures reviewed and posted. {guilty} Are they distracted by another social media platform (Twitter) and rarely taking the time to type up the long-version of their thoughts/adventures? {very guilty}

Yes, with our current stay-at-home world, you would think we would have more time for blogging.
{Insert quiet hysterical laughter here.}
Some of us have been working though all this craziness. Some folks have people to care for, entertain, or teach. Some folks are being creative and inspiring {Thank you!!} Some folks added to the foolishness on a grand, historic scale and they don't have a clue {Yes, 45, I mean you.} {Grrrrrrrrr}

Back to link-checking. Bear with me as I tweak the blog-look. I don't think it's time to "recycle" the blog just yet. But I'm looking forward to viewing my trimmed-down blog page with some satisfaction. 

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